Dental Hygiene Care in Rapid City, SD

Hygiene and Preventive Care visits help patients avoid the costly and invasive procedures often needed to treat serious dental conditions. Maintaining dental health help you look and feel your best, and can have a positive effect on your overall health.

What happens during a preventative care visit?
A typical preventative care visit includes x-rays to identify potential problems, a gum and bone evaluation to check for periodontal disease, an oral cancer screening, and a professional dental cleaning that includes removal of tartar and plaque, which can build up and cause inflammation and disease if left untreated. Your teeth are also polished to remove stains that often cannot be removed with a toothbrush at home.

How often do I need to schedule an appointment?
The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends a preventive care visit a minimum of every six months, and more often for patients with periodontal disease.

How about kids?
Parents should have their children start preventative care visits shortly after getting their first teeth. These visits – we call them ‘happy visits’ – will help kids get comfortable with the dentist office and encourage them to develop good dental hygiene habits.

Isn’t brushing and flossing at home good enough?
Absolutely not. Regular cleanings by a certified dental hygienist help keep teeth clean and healthy in a way that cannot be duplicated at home.

How do I get started on a dental hygiene preventive care plan?
That’s easy:

  1. Brush twice daily with an ADA accepted fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months when the bristles break down and fail to clean away bacteria.
  3. Clean between teeth once a day with floss or an interdental cleaner.
  4. Eat a balanced diet and limit between meal snacks.

Click here to schedule your appointment today.